We had a nice Easter weekend. We went to spend it with my parents for the first time since we've been married! From the time we got older and my sister moved with her family, Easter wasn't such a huge thing in our house and we did church together and just hung out while my sister and her family had their Easter celebration in whatever state they were living in at the time. Once I had a family of my own, we went to Kirk's parents to celebrate because they always got together for the whole Easter dinner thing and when we had kids it turned into egg hunts over there as well. It never really occurred to us that we actually could do Easter with my family sometimes too, so this year we made it a point. Yes, we're all a little slow with these things. Ha. So, we packed up our suitcases (which looked like we were going away for a week rather than a weekend) and away we went. This year Justin became more of an adult (if you get my meaning...little eyes will also be reading this, so I can't say too much about that). So sad to see his innocence slipping away, but he's been a great example to his siblings and keeping it all alive.
Then it was time to get ready for church. It was great to go back to not only the ward I grew up in, but also the ward that we spent the first year of our married life. So much fun to see such great friends! When we got home the kids headed straight outside (no time for changing clothes!) for the egg hunt. They had fun finding all 57 hidden eggs. 
My mom prepared a really good roast dinner and then we enjoyed the traditional bunny cakes that I make every year.
Soon it was time to pack up and head on home. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of my parents or Kirk or me. Well, it is all about the kids, right? Thank you, Mom and Dad, for hosting a great Easter! Love you!
1 comment:
Looks like you have a very generous Easter Bunny. I do it up more than what my mom did but it's still nothing to scream about! Your kids are getting so big. I have mixed emotions about the kids growing up. Glad you had a wonderful time with your family!!
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