We took a short trip this summer. Being that our summer break itself is only 8 weeks and Kirk doesn't get paid if he doesn't work, we opted for a 6 day trip in our trailer to Pismo Beach for a beach vacation. You know, easy...just go to the beach every day and play their hearts out. Doesn't get much better than that, right? Well, this summer has been quite chilly and the weather along the beach was even cold. But let me back up a bit.

We started out with a bang. The trailer was all packed up, everyone had used the restroom and Justin went out to help Kirk hook it up to the truck. A few minutes later he came in with a cut on his chin that obviously warranted a trip to urgent care for some stitches.
Kirk was teaching him how to use the drill to retract the levels and it kicked back hard and hit him in the chin slicing it open. Luckily it wasn't real deep or too large and the urgent care wasn't too busy. It only put us back just under 2 hours. Before the doctor let us go she informed us that he needed to keep it as clean as possible and dry. Dry? What? I don't think we heard you! :-)
We arrived and set up camp
and headed straight to the beach...a very cold beach. It seemed when the sun came out it just got colder. The kids braved it the first day, but every day after our beach time got shorter and shorter.

(of course baseball was part of our trip. Can our kids go anywhere without playing baseball?) The highs were only about 62 and windy and the water just wasn't very warm. So much for a warm beach vacation. As you can see we bundled up while watching the kids play and even Devin was too cold and got bundled up to wait until we could walk back and get in warm clothes. 
We made due with bike rides to the pier 
(where we made friends with a pelican),
playing in the park in the campground,

driving our truck along the ocean just because we could and it was something none of us had done before,
a drive to San Luis Obispo to walk in the mission just to see what it looks like,
bean bag toss,
playing Wii in the trailer,
, making braclets
, eating,
going to the pool a couple of days,
going to the driving range to hit balls
(Devin absolutely loved this and was so good and quiet. Kirk is going to start taking him and Justin more)
and of course smores every night.

On the last evening we went out in a Hummer and rode the sand dunes just down the beach from us.
These pictures don't do it justice of just how huge the hills really are or how rough it is. Avery still says she hated it, Devin didn't like it at the time and kept asking to go back, but now says he changed his mind and liked it and wants to do it again and Justin, Kirk and I liked it, but agree it was way too rough and we don't think we'd care to do it again. It was amazing, though, how those vehicles get around in those sand dunes. It was a pretty hairy roller coaster ride and Devin now has no more excuses not to want to do that little one in Mickey's Toon Town at Disneyland. If he can survive that Hummer ride, he can do a rollercoaster! It was crazy! I think their favorite part was when our guide let them get out and run up and down the huge dune hills.

It was a really fun time all in all and wouldn't you know it - it warmed up just in time for us to get home. It is about 100 degress now and from what I understand it was only in the low 80's while we were away (very mild for us this time of year).
These are just a few more pictures that I didn't know where to place them. This is Kirk putting up our new "happy lights" we bought on this trip.
This is just a picture of life basically. Whenever Devin has the opportunity he's on my lap.
We were on the go a lot and up late every night and Devin was pretty tired by each afternoon. One day he actually fell asleep in the middle of all the noise. Just crashed out.
Almost home...
What a GREAT vacation! Too bad it was so cold. A warm beach vacation might have been a little better, but you certainly had lots of other options. Thanks for sharing.
You did a great job on posting your vacation! Glad you had such a good time in spite of the cold weather. XX Love, Mom
Looks like fun!
Whoa... this makes my head spin! You always have such fun and exhausting stuff going on! Think we'll see each other next month?? Haha!
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