Well, it's been quite a ride! I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since Devin started his journey with Regional Center. Then again, I can't believe it's ONLY been almost 2 years. It's been a long and successful time period. We had Devin's
IEP (Individual Education Plan) with the school district yesterday and found out that he doesn't qualify for any services what-so-ever. We have mixed emotions about this. First of all we are inexplicably thankful that he has caught up enough not to meet the criteria, but on the other hand we know he needs the help and feel that maybe it's time for him to be treated like any other child his age and go to a preschool with typical peers. So, as of Friday we will go from having 20 hours of therapy a week to 0. What in the world will we do?! I have to admit I'm a little stressed about it. It's been a long time since I've had just one little one all day to myself. But that doesn't stress me out as much as the fact that this little one needs me to teach him in ways I've never considered before and I feel a lot of pressure from that. Although Devin has caught up tremendously he still scored at the low end of average for most area's so we feel he still needs some pushing and are in the process of searching for an opening at a preschool. Kind of hard to do at the last minute. Everyone is full that's I've called. In the meantime I have committed us to join a 'play school' type preschool that my friend has put together with some other mom's in the area. It will be a preschool type structure done in our homes as we each take a turn once a week. So, between that and putting him in an official preschool we are hopeful he'll continue to progress as well as he has. Now to find a preschool. Here are some final pictures I took just the other day with our wonderful team of therapists that have been the biggest influence in his life thus far.

Alejandra - his program supervisor responsible for making up his programs; Jennifer - his
ECI responsible for carrying out those programs and teaching them to him.

Kim - his other
ECI responsible for teaching him the program's; Tori - his speech pathologist.
Gosh, it will be weird to not see these people on a day to day basis after so long. We are so grateful to all of them for their time and energy given for Devin. It was totally worth it! Thanks so much guys! We'll miss you!
congrats... and how scary for you to start this journey without all those wonderful helpers with you anymore! I can understand why it's a happy, but scary time for you! You can do it, you've always been his biggest advocate. I know you'll keep right on top of it all and ensure that he has the correct tools to help him succeed in life!
(Where's spell check when you need it...)
Play School will be great! He'll be great b/c you're great!
Gosh, what a huge change! He's sure come a long way. It's a shame the change didn't come a few months ago so you could have found a suitable pre school. XXX
Hooray for Devin! What great success. Good Luck with all your spare time. I'm sure you will fill it with no problems. It seems to work that way!
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