So, we stared 'Play School' today with some moms in the area. I don't know what his deal was, but Devin didn't want any part of it. Above is only 1 of 2 times he was happy the whole 2 1/2 hours. Maybe it's the change in his routine or maybe it stems from leaving him at preschool yesterday, but he was miserable today. Unfortunately for me he needs this so I will stick it out and hope he gets better and sooner rather than later will actually enjoy it. Today Erin was in charge and the theme was farm and farm animals. She did an incredible job. If Devin had been in a better mood he would have really enjoyed it. Just look at the adorable cake she made in the shape of a cow. Such talent. Well, next Wednesday is my turn. I can't even begin to try to be as creative as Erin, so it should be interesting. Wish me luck in the planning this week.
You will do great! You are also so creative and crafty and talented, and I'm sure you'll think of something. Are you doing a structured curriculum? Or how are you doing it? The Laie Mom's Group does a preschool thing too, and they have some neat ideas I can pass on if you are interested. That cow is seriously so cute. OF COURSE, she's like a martha in itself.
I am sad that I missed some of it! Looks like Erin did a really good job!
I am sad that I missed some of it! Looks like Erin did a really good job!
I am sad that I missed some of it! Looks like Erin did a really good job!
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