To celebrate my birthday on Tuesday we headed over to Disneyland. We had to...I had to collect my Disney credit that they give you when you're a pass card holder. I've never been during Halloween. Leave it to Disney to be so darned cute. We had such a fun day together. Devin went on Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion for the first time. He wasn't a huge fan, but did have a smile on his face that he did it and survived. :-) I was very proud of him for trying them. I remember being so scared of those rides when I was little. Avery and Justin braved the Matterhorn and California Screamin' for the first time. Hello my brave 6 year old! Actually, she didn't quite meet the height requirement for California Screamin' and was sent away in tears. To fix it we headed to the restroom and stuffed her shoes with paper towels to give her just enough boost to make it on. They loved it so much they did it twice. Another first for Devin was Soaring Over CA, which he loved. Yay! Now we can go on that with no problems in the future. It was a fun day and we rode 12 rides in all. Devin survived even though Small World was closed, poor guy. He's looking forward to next time when he can enjoy his favorite ride.
We laughed so hard at that! How clever--and I'm so glad they liked it. That and "soarin'" are some of my favorites. HalloweenIS cute there, isn't i?!! We went once then, too. Cute stuff. And I've never seen that basket of fish--that's new to me.
I can't believe you stuffed her shoes - how funny are you??? Didn't the lady catch on at the gate???
We laughed so hard at that! How clever--and I'm so glad they liked it. That and "soarin'" are some of my favorites. HalloweenIS cute there, isn't i?!! We went once then, too. Cute stuff. And I've never seen that basket of fish--that's new to me.
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