Last night was our ward "trunk or treat" party (where you trick or treat at peoples cars in the parking lot). They had lots of booths set up for kids to win prizes, had a cake walk and even had a pie eating contest that I entered Kirk in (he wasn't too thrilled with me for that :-)). Thanks to my friend Jolene we have a few pictures, as I didn't bring my camera for a change.
Earlier that day at school the kids were able to dress up and Avery dressed as Belle and Justin as a swat team member, but for the activity last night they changed to Cinderella and a Jedi Knight. Got to love the dress up bin! It was a fun evening for us all!

1 comment:
What a big bunch of updates! Fun stuff. And sweet--that Avery. What a doll. Thanks for posting your family's fun events. We didn't even carve a pumpkin this year! How odd. And I just barely bought the trick-or-treat candy before I came to work today. I hope someone's home to give it out since I won't be home until after 7! If they don't, I guess I'll just have to eat it. Oh, well! ha
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