April 6, 2010

Easter week

It was a nice Easter week around here. It started out on Monday night dying our Easter eggs. I always wonder why we do this since I only make deviled eggs out of them anyway. I know...it's for fun and it's tradition. The kids always look forward to doing it and they did have a lot of fun. Saturday we headed over to Kirk's brother's for Easter brunch. We had a nice meal and a good time chatting and hanging out for a few hours.
Sunday was a nice and relaxing day. General Conference (our churches semi-annual broadcast from Salt Lake City with talks from our prophet and leaders) happened to fall this past weekend, so we enjoyed the Easter Bunny, egg hunt and eating candy and laying around in our pj's all day watching conference. We ended the day with a traditional ham dinner. We are so grateful for the true meaning of Easter, for our Savior's sacrifice for us and making it possible for us to return to live with our Heavenly Father again someday. We hope you had a wonderful Easter as well!

1 comment:

Donna said...

wow your bunny leaves some good loot!!! I'm coming to your house next year... I'm afraid our ONLY tradition is the bunny cake for Easter... and I didn't even take a picture of him this year before he lost his butt to hungry people :o)