April 30, 2010

Good times ahead

Surprise! We bought a travel trailer this week and took it on an over-nighter last night. We've been looking at RV's and thinking maybe we'd like to get one in the next year or so, but then found out how reasonable travel trailers are and the pros that go along with those (i.e. we can unhitch it and drive around town wherever we go). So, we've been looking here and there and found a smoking deal and long story short it is now ours! We surprised the kids and picked them up from school with it and headed only 20 minutes down the freeway to a little RV camp to try it out overnight. We had a really fun time! They had a little play area, a small lake (didn't catch any fish, though) and a pool and spa that we didn't use. It wasn't the most prestigious of places, but it was a good way to learn about our rig and try it out. The kids loved it and we had a great time together! We're looking forward to many more get-aways in the future!
When we first got there and hooked up, the kids did their homework - completely their idea!
Checking out the area around our site...
Settling down after dinner. Not sure why on the floor, but whatever. :-)
Can you really go "camping" without roasting marshmallows?
Enjoying the bunk beds...
Attempt at fishing...


Linda Liebhardt said...

Well, how fun! And what a surprise for EVERY one! Wow. Great pictures, great time. Thanks for sharing--come camp with us sometime!

Donna said...

Fun - you're good at keeping secrets! I would have blabbed that we were looking for one for a while :o) I'm horrible...

Tandy said...

Seriously??!!! I'm so jealous! Especially since we're going to attempt the beach camping thing this summer!
Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm just like Donna... I can't keep a secret like that very well! I'm good at all the skeleton-in-the-closet secrets, but not presents and such!