December 2, 2010


We had Thanksgiving here at our house this year. My parents (and their dog, Teddy) and Kirk's mom came over and we had a nice day. Kirk's mom paid for the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy from Albertson's and we were all very happy with it! Thanks, Ann! I added to it with rolls, sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole and my mom and dad brought cole slaw and pies. Thank you for that! Ordering seemed to help with making it much more low key and I really liked that and just may do it again for Christmas dinner. We are very thankful for all that we have - for our wonderful country, our beautiful and loving family, our health, Kirk's work in this tough economy, our friends and all that we enjoy that make our every day lives that much more manageable and enjoyable. But most of all we are thankful for our savior and his example of the way we need to be living and his sacrifice for us. I hope that as we enter this Christmas season we will be sure to remember why we celebrate this time of year and can be thankful for even the smallest of our blessings.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Suz, what a beautiful message you wrote. XXX