April 15, 2011

Spring Break Trip #2

On the second week of our Spring Break we went camping with some friends from baseball, the Forrests. The dad is Avery's coach and she played for him last year too. They have 2 cute boys ages 9 and 7.

We went to Rancho Jurupa in Riverside. It's the regional park there and it's our second time going. We like it a lot. Nice and close, lakes, parks and it's huge so lots of opportunities for bike riding. We had a great time! It was our first time camping with anyone else and it was a lot of fun! The kids got along great and Devin was the best he's ever been! We're looking forward to going again with them sometime in the near future. Here are a bunch of pictures I took.

This is Devin, Aidan and Justin
Tyler and Devin
Aidan and Avery
Tyler and Avery playing Connect 4 on Tylers bunk in their trailer
Nothing like a good campfire
Fishing (no luck, of course)
Kelly and Jeff
Aidan, Avery, Justin, Tyler and Devin
This place has a fun rock climbing park and the kids loved playing there
Swinging at the playground
Having lunch at our campsite
The kids doing friendship bracelets and beading necklaces
Coach Jeff helped Devin learn to throw properly. Devin is now his biggest fan!
Miniature golfing at the campground. This was a highlight!
Avery and Tyler
Not sure exactly why Kirk is holding our trash can, but the guys were barbecuing our dinner.
The kids had fun giving each other rides on the back of the Forrest kids bikes
And this gives you an idea how huge our lots were. The Forrests trailer is on the left and we are the right. This is when we were packing up to leave, so nothing is outside.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like so much fun!