May 6, 2011

Spring Fling

I'm a bit behind, but I wanted to be sure to get some pictures up of this years Family Spring Fling at Jeri and Ken's. It was great to see everyone as usual and the food was fantastic! It was cold this year and even snowed earlier that morning, so we were all couped up inside for the day. No backyard badmitten this year. :( And we didn't get a group photo this year either. Boy, I'm getting lazy! But here are a few that I did take.

Steve and Dylan
Kara, Brenda, Christi
Mary, Jean, Randy
The Ken's taking it easy.
Christi, Thelma, Maureen, Avery
Kara, Jeri
Devin, Avery, Gina, Justin
Devin and the best playmate ever, Brenda!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Some of my most favorite memories of get togethers are of chatting with Brenda!