A couple of weeks ago our friends called us to invite us camping with them. It's the same family we camped with during Spring Break. Avery and their son are on the same baseball team and their older son plays and Justin plays. We all assumed baseball season would be over for our teams by then as the playoffs would be going on and we were all banking on all the teams not making it that far. We sure know how to make things interesting! All 3 teams continued to win through the playoffs. Great for baseball, bad for camping. It got to the point that we would lose our money if we canceled, so we just kept waiting. Thursday evening Avery's team and Justin's team both played at the same time. Although Justin's team did a great job, they couldn't quite deliver and their season ended that night. Avery's team, however, won again making it so she had to play Friday night - the night we were supposed to leave camping. Kirk was determined to still go regardless of what happened. We met our friends at the game Friday evening and we both had our trailers ready to go. The Mariners won AGAIN!!! So, our friends, feeling it would be too much to go camping AND make it to the game the next morning at 8am, took their trailer and headed home. We, however, drove to our campsite only to set up camp, eat dinner, shower and go to bed. We had to wake up at 5:45 to leave by 6:30 so we could get to the ballpark by 7:30 am for our 8:00 game.

That is where the season ended for the Mariners. They ended up being the third team in their division! Way to go! What a season!
So, the Forrest's headed to our campground at that point. Made for an interesting start to our camping weekend.
Saturday ended up being very warm and the place we stayed at (Rancho Jurupa, the same one we stayed at during Spring Break) has a really fun water park that the kids got to enjoy after lunch

The boys getting ready to watch the water dump on Avery.

We camped with another family that the Forrest's know.
Left to right - Tyler, Justin, Avery and Anthony
Heading back to our trailers.
Of course baseball!
Devin playing his own version of baseball.

Dinner. Justin, Tyler, Anthony, Avery, Aidan

Sunday morning fishing. Really? Think we can catch something this time?

Success!!!! A trout caught with a hot dog?! Congrats, Kirk!

Renewed interest in fishing now that there really are fish in there!

Our group riding our bikes back to our trailers.

Kirk actually took all this stuff on his bike!

Another fun trip! Let's do it again soon!