August 16, 2012

Aaronic Priesthood

Justin received the Priesthood the Sunday after his birthday.  Kirk ordained him and his sweet, old teacher that supports him in all his spiritual decisions came.  We are so proud of him!  The next week he passed the sacrament for the first time and sweet Sister Burd (who has moved about 30 minutes away) came to support him in that too.  We just love her.  She's his number one supporter.  He's a lucky boy to have her in his life!  Justin, we love you and are just so proud of the young man you are becoming!

1 comment:

Tandy said...

I really do feel bad still that we missed this. You have such a sweet and handsome young man. I can't believe he's old enough to do this. Where does the time go? Pretty soon Avery and Lexi will be in YW and we won't know what's happened to all the time we really SHOULD have been spending TOGETHER! ;o)