February 16, 2009

Pretty as a princess

Avery got her ears pierced today! She's talked about it off and on for awhile now, so when she brought it up last night I finally agreed to take her today. They had school off and Kirk had work (and had given his approval too), so I bundled everyone up and we braved the rain and went to the mall. Our first attempt was not successful. After sitting there and having the pen marks put on her ears she couldn't take it anymore and was too scared. We decided just to walk around for a bit and play in the play area. Then we found a place that has 2 people working and they will pierce them at the same time. She liked that idea, but the other worker wouldn't be back until after lunch. So we came home, had lunch and Avery went back and forth about going back. After she felt brave enough and Kirk was home, just she and I headed over and had success. She's so proud of herself and we are too. That's a big deal for such a little princess. You look beautiful, Avery!
The picture of her in her pink coat is our first attempt. Doesn't she look so pathetic? The other one is the successful trip.


Linda Liebhardt said...

I clicked on the close-up picture of Avery and she's getting little teeny tiny freckles on her cheeks! How cute. I LOVE freckles on cute little girls.
The earrings are gorgeous and she is very brave. And what a great party! Yay! Six years old?! Where do the years go? Tell her Happy Birthday from us, OK?

Donna said...

Wow, you're nicer than I am... my girls have to wait until 12 to have them done - that way they can clean them all by themselves! I'm a lazy mom :o)
Sounds like you had a fun day!

Suzanne said...

She is brave- and so are you! My girls will have to wait until they are 12 too. I don't want to mess with them.

Anonymous said...

why did you call avery pathetic?