February 19, 2009

Fire Station tour

Yesterday I took some of Avery's friends and one of Justin's friends and met up with MY friends and their kids at the fire station for a tour. When we went with Devin it was a big hit and Avery wanted to go so bad. So, I decided when it was my turn to do the play date swap on Wednesday I'd take them over. I got it arranged the day before and they had a great time!


Donna said...

Hey, come to my house and entertain my kids for the week, will ya? ha! They have been home alone all week - poor kiddo's. Of course they have been staying up 1/2 the night as well, so sleeping until noon .... so not unattended for too awfully long (that's my justification and I'm sticking to it!) Oh, and *I* want to go to the firehouse now!!

Anonymous said...

It was fun! Thanks for having us!

Jennifer said...

That looks like so much fun. I have been wanting to take my kids.