March 2, 2009

First lost tooth

Avery is excited to announce the loss of her first tooth. It's been ready to go for a while now and she says that while lining up this morning at school to go in to the classroom she wiggled it and it came right out. She couldn't have done that only 5 minutes before? Ha. So, after a trip to the nurses office she had a nice little treasure chest for her tooth to rest until she got home. She is very excited to receive a visit from the tooth fairy tonight!


Mom said...

Yaaaay! She was probably really shocked when the tooth actually came out! It was a part of her life wiggling it with her tongue all the time. :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Avery!
Sam has been counting his teeth to see how much money he can make! The Tooth Fairy is very popular at our home!

Suzanne said...

How exciting! We haven't crossed that bridge yet. Spencer has his new tooth pillow just waiting for a tooth to fall out. They are hanging on for dear life:)