March 25, 2009


We had our official first full day at Disneyland on Monday. We got there at about 11:00 only to get stuck in a HUGE line just to get into the parking structure. We really thought we were in for it because of that. The trams were super crowded, the security line just to get into the center of Disneyland and CA Adventure was huge and people were everyone. We were gearing up for a rough day. But we were pleasantly surprised when we entered CA Adventure and saw the line to Soaring Over CA wasn't too long. Kirk took Justin and Avery on that while Devin and I went to enjoy the waterfalls. Devin's favorite things in the world are electric sliding doors and water fountains/waterfalls. I think he would have been happy just going from waterfall to waterfall all day (comes in handy when waiting for the others to go on rides). While waiting for them, I decided we had time to go see Playhouse Disney Live on Stage. Guess not. Kirk called the moment we sat down and the show was starting. Their line was only 20 minutes! Our show was super cute and Devin really enjoyed it. We then headed over to Disneyland where we found the lines weren't nearly as bad as we thought either. The Autopia cars was only about 25 minutes. Devin hated that ride, by the way. I was surprised. We ended up being able to go on about 9 or so rides (even Thunder Mountain 2x, which is Avery's and Justin's new favorite,...thanks Ally for the great hint!) and left about 7:20. I'm looking forward to going again next week and meeting up with my good friends!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Fun, fun, fun! We got the military discount tickets to Disney World this year - they aren't annual passes, but we upgraded to have 5 hopper days - figure it's about all we'll ever use at a 5 hour drive from home... however, we added the water parks for 5 days as well and we can use them non-consecutive. So we will be taking a few weekends in Orlando this year :o)