March 26, 2009


Yesterday the kids and I planted our tomatoes and a couple of yellow bell pepper plants. Avery and Justin worked hard to loosen the dirt up to get it prepared and I gave Devin his own little area so he wouldn't feel left out and wouldn't get his little fingers in the way. They had a great time for a bit and then Avery and Devin got tired and decided to go bike while Justin and I finished up. Justin was a huge help! What a difference a year makes. He did a great job and worked very hard and even enjoyed it. Mental note to self...more gardening for Justin! I know they are planted too close together, but it's what I did last year and we had a great crop. I hope it works again this year!


Mom said...

Hope you get a bumper crop of tomatoes this you can share them with ME. Ha! Justin must have inherited his great-uncle Martin's love for planting things. Glad he was such a big help. Are you sore?

Donna said...

How fun! WE need to put in our tomatoes - no motivation here... couldn't be the 4" of rain from yesterday? LOL

Natalie said...

This post reminded me of the nibble tray from last summer! I need to plant some plants this year!