February 6, 2009


Tonight our ward Primary put on a talent show. When they announced it a few weeks back Justin and Avery knew right away what they wanted to do. It was never a question of IF they wanted to participate. Amazing. I don't think I was that way as a child. Justin decided to dust off his old piano lessons book and played Jingle Bells (Merry Christmas in February!) and Avery wanted to show off her ability to pop the front wheel of her little bikes tire off the ground. Too cute, huh? They did great! All the kids were so cute getting up there and performing their different talents. I love that the church gives us all so many opportunities to enhance our abilities and build our confidence at such a young age. We had a nice time and they couldn't stop talking about it all the way home and what they want to do next year!


Mom said...

So nice that the kids are eager to participate! And, you're right; you wouldn't have done that as a child. How many inches did Avery get her front wheels off the ground? Ha!

Donna said...

I'm with you, I would never have thought to want to join in and pop wheelies...and to think she just got the training wheels off not that long ago!

Anonymous said...

Fun times! I love that the kids were so excited to share!

Suzanne said...

That is so great. I'm sure my kids would be too shy to do anything like that although I wish they would. I'm glad your kids did it and loved it:)