December 9, 2009


On Tuesday both Justin and Avery were awarded during their individual grade's assemblies. Avery's award was for being a "Razzle Dazzle Reader". She sure is that! She's reading at second to third grade levels. We're so proud of her love of reading and dedication to learning! Way to go, Avery! The first picture is of her with the other recipients in her class and the second is her with her teacher, Mrs. Mata.

Justin's award was for "Spectacular Academic Achievement in Social Studies". He's always been such a smart kid and kept his grades high and this year is no exception. He's doing great and working hard at continuing his good grades. Justin we're very proud of your hard work and all that you are accomplishing! The first picture is part of his class and another class that also received awards and the second is with his teacher, Mrs. McGuire.

We love you both so much!

1 comment:

Donna said...

way to go Justin and Avery!! they are such smart kiddos - love the fact that Avery likes to READ so much now... I've tried to get both my girls interested early... they didn't hit a stride in reading until about 13 for Liz... I'm still waiting for Angela... :o) She reads, just not with any vigor - ha!