December 10, 2011

Thanksgiving break - day 4

Wednesday morning it was the Forrests turn to have their family pictures taken. They chose the pier. I love the way the one under the pier turned out!

After that was done we headed over to Moonstone Beach. We absolutely love the tide pools and beautiful stones found there! Just look at the colors of the stones that Justin is holding below. The beach is made up of these and not sand. Amazing!
We like to take our buckets or bags and collect rocks to bring home. Honestly, I think this is Devin's favorite thing to do. He just loves it.
Some of the pretty marine life we see each time...

When we got back the kids began their very profitable business of selling ducktape stuff. Mainly wallets. Our campsite was at the end and it was an ideal location for setting up a table and displaying their goods. You know, the more I think about it, I think they started doing this before we left for Moonstone. Guess it doesn't really matter. But this "business" of theirs ended up being what they did the rest of the trip from the time they got up until campfire time. They made their crafts and then would sell them. Quite fun!
And then it was campfire time, of course. Always a perfect end to a great day!

Then the kids headed over to the Forrests trailer while we adults chatted for awhile.

They all fell just about fell asleep watching videos later. So much fun to camp with friends!

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