December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving break - day 5

Happy Thanksgiving! Since we had planned the trip we had been looking forward to frying our turkey. We carefully read up on just the right way to do it and made sure to order the turkey dinner from a local grocery store, worked so hard at getting it completely thawed by the time Thursday came around. So, that morning it was time to unwrap the turkey. I was going to double check that it was ready for later. Come to find out it was a fully cooked turkey that had just been frozen!!! I had been putting it in warm water for 2 days trying to thaw it out. Well, none of us were willing to risk eating that turkey after sitting out so long, so in the trash it went. So sad!
Plan B was just to cook up our tri-tip we had planned to have on Friday night. Still a good plan.

The surf reports were coming in that the tides were high (indeed they were!) and the waves were large (not that I saw), so we headed over to the pier to check it out.

Jeff and Kelly were on to me taking their picture and were conspiring...
to do this!
Of course Devin had to climb and play with other things instead of watching the waves and surfers.
Not too big, but pretty non the less.
Our cute boys...
Our cute kids!
Mev being silly

They are so tired of me taking their pictures by now that the boys scrambled away to be with Kirk, but Avery was a trooper and let me take a few of her.

This is what their duck tape stand ended up looking like. With the help of a new friend, KK, they made bows, wallets and roses.

They decided to take some of their loot and go to the arcade. They ended up making something like $65! Not bad. And they sure had fun!
Later, I took them over to the trees where we took our family pictures for them to climb and goof around on.

When we got back Haley was there happy to see us (although you can't really tell in this picture - ha)
Couldn't resist some pictures of this beautiful sunset.

And then it was time for our dinner. We had veggies with ranch dressing for starters and then mashed potatoes, stuffing and tri tip. Yummy!

It was a very good day.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like a great trip. It was too funny about the poor turkey!!