December 12, 2011

Thanksgiving break - days 6 and 7

Friday we walked around main street by the pier and looked in some stores, bought some treats, did a little shopping. It was nice and it was a beautiful day...actually very, very warm! Then we went to the Monarch Butterfly Preserve right down the road from where our camp ground was. It was incredible! There were thousands and thousands of butterflies. They had telescopes set up pointed to some of the areas where they were clustered. Just look at all the butterflies!

No, those aren't brown leaves. They are the backside of the wings of Monarchs!

Then we walked along the path and came across some more fun trees by the beach to be monkeys on.

In the late afternoon the Forrests wanted to go to the beach, but we knew it was going to be chilly, so we opted for the heated pool instead.

This is how Devin ended his evenings every night - watching The Polar Express. We all stayed out by the campfire and Devin would wind down inside.
Saturday we packed up and headed home. It was a fantastic trip! So much fun! And if you're wondering how Haley travels, this is a picture of her asleep on the floor in the back seat of the truck. Kind of snug for the kids, but it works.

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