March 6, 2008

Devin's home from the hospital!

Most of you know that Devin was in the hospital from last Saturday until today with pneumonia and RSV with double ear infections. But I wanted to clear a couple things up. Rumors ran wild around our ward that he was life flighted out and in critical condition on Saturday. Here is the real story in short. After having a fever for a couple of days with a slight cough he ended up with a 104 fever on Saturday after Tylenol. I took him to the ER in Murrieta to be checked out. I had good luck. I got him there at 12:30 and was seen by 1:00. It was determined that he had the above infections and needed to be transferred to another hospital with a pediatric respiratory ward. It took until 12:45am Sunday to get the transfer started (gee, fun!). We took an ambulance to the new hospital, but it was only for transportation purposes. He had a rough week, poor baby. They couldn't find any veins and ultimately he was poked 18 times. I just about lost it by then having to witness that. We're happy he's home in the comfort of his own bed and family.

Is this a pathetic picture or what?

This is the crib that he really liked. He liked having the bars up. I think it made him feel safe that as long as those were up no one could hurt him.

Kicking back and resting.
We are so grateful to those that called to check in on him and offer help. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We feel so loved!


My Dearest Rich said...

oh my gosh Suzanne! That is SO scary! Poor little guy! Those pictures make me want to cry! What a little trooper! I am glad he is home, and is doing better. Hospitals are SO much fun, aren't they?

Jennifer said...

Suzanne I had no idea..I guess I am out of the loop being in nursery...I missed him sunday but thought he just had the same cold everyone else has been getting...I am so glad he is home and doing better...Give him big hug for me...

Donna said...

What a sad little face in that first picture!!! Glad to know he's home safe and sound.

Heather said...


I'm so sorry to hear about your little guy. Those pics just make me want to cry. I'm glad he's doing better and back home. I'm sure it was the longest week of yor life.


Suzanne said...

What a week for you and your little guy. I'm so glad he is home and I'm sure you are too. That can not be fun watching your baby be so sick and not being able to do much for him. So glad things are on the up and up!

Missi Waldron said...

That first picture makes me want to cry...that must have been so hard as a mom to see him like that. Hope he is recovering well in his nice, beautiful home and I hope Mulan Sumida :) is feeling better too. Hang in there Sumidas!

Rob & Jan said...

Makes me feel like a wimp and a whiner for staying in bed with my little cold this weekend. Glad to hear everything is looking up.

Linda Liebhardt said...

Suz, I had no idea Devin had been ill. I haven't been out in the blog world for a while. Glad things are going well. Damian and Tandy went through that with Braeden as a newborn. It is scarey stuff! Glad he's doing better now. Having a baby in the hospital is scarey stuff, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO sorry to hear that Devin got RSV. Ella got it, too, but we were able to get nebulized meds, oral steroids, and a heavy duty antibiotic and keep her home. It's NASTY stuff, and your poor little guy... what a sad picture!
I should be better about keeping up... always have good intentions, huh? But you may find me somewhere around the neighborhood come summer!