August 31, 2009

The Osmond Brothers

Over the weekend I went to Las Vegas with my mom to see The Osmond Brothers as her birthday present. I grew up watching Donny and Marie and let's just let it out right here - I was going to marry Donny. I also enjoyed their brother's quite a bit and my mom has always loved them. So, when I read that they were going to be in Vegas for a short gig I booked a hotel room and away my mom and I went for about 36 hours. It was nice to do a whole lot of nothing. Really! We got there around 1:30 and did this until dinner at 6:00.
I am now completely up to date on all the celebrity gossip and proud of it. :-) What a total waste of brain power, but it felt so good. After dinner we went to see the show. It was crazy! As soon as the lights dimmed and the show almost started a bunch of (older'ish and old) ladies rushed the stage and stood at the edge like a bunch of teenagers. Seriously? Are you all for real? I have to admit, though, that I went to join them during the second song to get a few good photo's and it was kind of fun being so close. Anyway, it was a lot of fun listening to all the old songs and singing along and remembering my childhood. It made us decide to go back in January to see Donny and Marie. Yep! You read it right. I'm going to another Osmond show. I'm that much of a dork. AND Kirk just informed me that he secretly bought me Barry Manilow concert tickets for my birthday next month. What a guy! I love Barry! I do like quite the music, don't I? The thing is I like to sit and enjoy a relaxing concert and not go home with a headache. Gosh, I'm old. :-) Here are some pictures of our rockin' concert. Ha!
And on Sunday before we left we went to New York, New York for lunch and out in the 300 degree heat to walk over to the Coca Cola Store. Then it was off to home and sit in traffic. Nice little get-away!
While I was away it was Kirk's nephew's birthday. Matthew turned 4 on Saturday and they all went over to celebrate with him and swim in the pool. The kids had a great time from what they told me. Kirk forgot the camera, so I don't have any pictures, darn it. Happy birthday, Matthew!


Natalie said...

Ok, so your choice in music is a little questionable but, you do look like you had a great time! ;) A Mom needs a good break now and then! Kirk’s a great guy to watch the kids while you were gone.

Missi Waldron said...

So you figured out your birthday surprise! I am loving the painted image in my brain of a ton of "old women" "rushing" the stage to hear the Osmond brothers bring down the house. Love it! So glad you had a great time and were able to catch up on the celebrity gossip :)!

Linda Liebhardt said...

Oh, I like the Osmonds AND Barry Manilow, too! I've even BEEN to a Barry Manilow concert in the Marriott Center at BYU about 30 years ago. Yep, it really WAS 30 years ago because Damian and Gail were just babes. Or maybe there was only Damian (and he's 32). I liked it a lot better than any of the other half dozen I've been to. Fun stuff, fun memories, and I'm glad you had a nice get-away with your mom. In spite of that awful heat. Where did they have the Osmond Brother's? And where are Donny and Marie playing? I could find out myself IF I had time to read the celebrity mags. ha.

Donna said...

hum, I cant say ANYTHING - the only concerts I have been to were things like U2 in college and Def Lepoard just out of college - don't ask.. the rocker phase, I guess!