July 23, 2011

The trip that should have been...

We have had our summer vacation planned since February. We planned to go to Utah for 1 week as a family and then Kirk would fly home and the second week the kids and I were going to hang out with my friend, Sara and her kids who were going to be there visiting her mom. This was our plan:

Thursday - Saturday: Zion's National Park
Saturday - Wednesday: Stay with my friend, Tamara and do the touristy things of Salt Lake
Wednesday: Take Kirk to the airport to fly home and we go check into our hotel.
Wednesday - Sunday morning: Hang with Sara and kids, play around Provo and Salt Lake
Sunday - Tuesday morning: Stay with my cousin, Linda
Tuesday - drive home, stopping in Vegas to do a few fun things

This was what was supposed to happen. Unfortunately it's not what actually happened. I will post our trip soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the ending of that story. The first part of your vacation looked like a lot of fun though. Xx
Love, Mom xx