July 7, 2011

What a 4th!

We had a fantastic 4th of July this year celebrating with a lot of our neighbors. We had a block party with our house being the center of it all. So fun! One of our neighbors opened up their pool for the kids to use, we had a pie eating contest, water balloon fight, a bouncy house, baseball, BBQ and fireworks! We started at 1:00 and ended at 9:30. We love our neighborhood!

After the water balloon fight
Pie eating contest. Yuck!

The winner - Hunter!

All kinds of yummy food was shared.
Hitting balls
The line to bat
Then the moms took a turn

Doing poppers before the fireworks started

Great times!


Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of fun. How hot was it?
Love, Mom

Donna said...

What a fun 4th - ours was VERY low key on the fireworks, but toss travel in there and it was all worth it :D