July 26, 2011

Utah Trip Day 3

We found out our entrance pass to Zion's was also good at Kolab Canyons, so on our way to Salt Lake we stopped there and drove up the pretty dive to the top where the nice ranger took our picture. This is when my kidney stone first starts to make it's ugly invasion of our trip. I told Kirk I needed to stop and get some Advil or something because I was feeling a little crampy and I was suspecting the beginnings of a kidney stone, but hoping otherwise. By the time we stopped at the gas station at the next off ramp my pains had really started in. I took both Aleve and Advil and nothing was touching the pain. About 2 hours into the drive we pulled off the road so Kirk could give me a blessing. I'm so thankful for having a worthy priesthood holder in our home! An obnoxious and painful hour later the pain had gotten so bad that I had to roll the window down and vomit. Unfortunately the kids will always remember this part as I think I shocked them with what happens when you vomit out a window at 80 mph. Needless to say the van was a mess. I know...yuck! Kirk was able to pull over very quickly to let me finish my business and then when I was done my pain was gone too! We were only about 1/2 hour outside of Provo at that point, so we decided to pull off in Provo to get the car a much needed wash. Then it was onward to Salt Lake where we were going to be staying at my good friend, Tamara's house. We got there, unpacked a bit and then headed over to a hotel her sister-in-law was staying at so the kids could all go swimming. While there Tamara got ahold of her neighbor who is a doctor and he prescribed me some Vicodin just in case I may need some pain relief soon. The kids had a great time swimming, but poor Avery's eyes were allergic to the chlorine or something because her eyes were as red and puffy as I've ever seen and she couldn't open them for hours after we were done. Finally after running to the drugstore to get Visine she was all better. We had a great bbq of hot dogs, hamburgers, steak and lots of yummy fruit. I think the kids went to bed around 11:00pm and Tamara and I stayed up to visit and catch up until a little after midnight. It was a nice evening.

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