July 30, 2011

Utah Trip Day 7

On our final day we were all feeling fine and actually played around with the idea of staying in Vegas another night. But the reason for leaving Utah was to get home so I could deal with my stone, so we left the hotel, went to breakfast, stopped at the lion exhibit at MGM and went to the M&M Factory (always a must) to see the 3D movie. Then it was homeward bound. Looking back it was a great trip. We did some fun stuff. While there it was a little harder to see that. But I know the kids had fun and that's what's most important!

UPDATE: We've been home a week and 3 days and I still haven't passed the stone. Our terrible insurance wanted a lot of money for the procedure the doctor wanted to do, so now I am just hoping to pass it on my own. Good thing for strong meds! Wish me luck. :)


Donna said...

So glad you had one final good day on the way home... Avery looks so sad in the one shot day prior... and so happy in these! Yeah for her!

Tandy said...

Boo. Do you need anything?? I've so been there... hope you get it out soon... and without too much more pain. Let me know if I can help!