July 25, 2008

Safety Town

Earlier this month I enrolled the kids into an interactive safety course that was offered through the city. My good friend, Natalie took the kids for me most of the week since it's harder for me to leave during the day. Thank you Natalie!!! If it weren't for you they couldn't have gone. It was every day from 9:30-11:30 and they learned about fire, gun, water, animal and bike safety, nutrition, 'my body is mine' and what do do when someone abuses that and self defense. It was all done in a fun way and they really enjoyed themselves. They even had a little graduation today to celebrate all they learned. It also included a kit with their fingerprints and ID cards and a disk all about them so if they ever went missing (heaven forbid!) we have something right at our fingertips to give to the police. Above is a picture of them with Sam Benedict. Our city certainly has some neat things offered to families. I still need to catch the free movies in the park that's each Friday night. Yeah, maybe next week. :-)


Benedict said...

I just put a post up too!! They really did have fun!!! Thanks again for telling us about it!

Suzanne said...

How fun! What a great program. And, thanks for the reminder of the Fri. night movies in the park. They do that here too and I have yet to do that this summer.

By the way I LOVE your new background:) It's so fresh!

Donna said...

You have such fun things! Hum... price of Cali to have fun things? Thanks, but we'll stick with the "sticks" and just have fresh air and sunshine instead :o) Oh, wait with that you get a healthy dose of BUGS! Yuck... maye he desert doesn't sound so bad after all!