July 26, 2008


Just wanted to share this simple and obvious idea. Obvious to most people, but if you're me...not so obvious. Yesterday, on the last day of Safety Town, the parents were invited to come for a nutrition mini-seminar while the kids learned self defense. During this short presentation the woman gave a great idea called the nibbler tray. The idea is to have this out all day and let them graze when they want with lots of good, nutritious things. The above tray is what I put together this morning. It was a hit right away, but I'll have to be sure to switch the choices up a lot to keep them from being bored. Thought I'd pass along this good idea. By the way, in case you're wondering, that bottom right slot is peanut butter for dipping the apples and carrots.


Mom said...

Great idea! Think I'll make up a platter for your dad. Ha!

Anonymous said...

You did it! How did the kids like it??? I want to try!!! Maybe this week.

Heather said...

Love it! I think i'll try it and it'll keep me from having to get snacks every 5 minutes.

Donna said...

hey, can I have one of those for work? LOL