July 16, 2008

Princess Roxy

Well, I did it. I found another kitten. The kids and I spent the last couple of days in Huntington Beach with my parents and we did some extensive kitten searching. My mom is sick to death of the subject and she loves cats! I searched all over the Internet, went to several shelters and found nothing. What I really wanted was a long-haired, soft kitty. Well, I found her, but she's scared to death! I had a cat years ago with this same problem and it was a lot of work to gain her trust. I vowed I'd never do that with a pet again and here I am doing it. Didn't I learn the whole looks don't matter lesson years ago? I just couldn't help it. Isn't she pretty? But if I have to crawl under my stairs with Justin again to retrieve her from hiding, I'm not sure if this will work out. Did I mention she's Persian?


Krissy Lowe said...

She is really pretty! Good luck and hopefully it will work out.

Mom said...

Just thought I'd mention that in case you didn't already know. Hee, hee, hee.....

Suzanne said...

You are seriously one patient soul. That kind of behavior from a cat would not fly in this household. Good thing there are wonderful people like you to take care of them!!!

Donna said...

Wow, she is a pretty one! I don't know that I would go searching her out, maybe she will come to you... that and/or block off the access to most if not of the hidey holes? No, there are too many of them!! Hum... good luck with this on - as long as she's not hissing scared, there is hope!!!

(btw, drop that crazy word verification - my OLD eyes can't read them anymore... or my disfunctional fingers can't type it - three times running!!!!)